
Marbee de Castro

Working Capital Controller @ AirBus Masters in International Economics & European Studies @ University of Lisbon (Inst. Economics and Management)

89 posts / 2 following / 59 followers

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How NFTs are building the internet of the future | TedX

Great TED video! Clear, simple and straight to the point regarding NFT’s. What they are, how they were created and what will be the NFT’s impact on the future. These are questions to which Kayvon has the answers to.

February 19
Selected by:
Marbee de Castro
  + 12 saves

Great TED video! Clear, simple and straight to the point regarding NFT’s. What they are, how they were created and what will be the NFT’s impact on the future. These are questions to which Kayvon has the answers to.

The Happy Planet Index | TedX

5 actions to achieve globalized “happiness” based on the strategies of The Happiest Country in the World. A different but factual perspective.

March 6
Selected by:
Marbee de Castro
  + 6 saves

Elon Musk talks Twitter, Tesla and how his brain works — live at TED2022

An unedited conversation between Elon Musk and Chris Anderson. Both of them discuss the recent news around Elon’s bid to purchase Twitter and radical innovations such as Intelligent Humanoid Robots, Space X’s Starships and Neuralink’s Brain Machine Interfaces.

April 18
Selected by:
Marbee de Castro
  + 6 saves

The Innovators: Solving for Zero

This is a series from Wondrium, in which Bill Gates participated. It’s a series about the “innovators and innovations helping the World reach net-zero carbon emissions by 2050”. There are 6 episodes, each of them 2 minutes long.

April 22
Selected by:
Marbee de Castro
  + 4 saves

Inside The Fight Against Russia's Fake News Empire 🗞

This is from 2018 but it is as a good explanatory video about Russia’s consistent production of Fake News. Short but insightful enough to understand what people have to go through because of all the false and misleading information. Journalist Olga Yurkova said “when facts are false, decisions are wrong”. Olga is the founder of, which is an organization that exposes inaccurate reporting.

April 5
Selected by:
Marbee de Castro
  + 3 saves

Tomás Borges de Castro on LinkedIn: #60cm #ecology #lastmiledelivery #parcellockers | 83 comments

1€ for 2 apple pies… and a whole “paper train” receipt.

October 26
Selected by:
Marbee de Castro
  + 2 saves