
Wouter van Noort

Journalist bij NRC, Nieuwsbrief Future Affairs en Transcend. Werk verscheen onder meer bij 1Vandaag, DWDD, Op1, NOS, Elsevier Weekblad en De Groene

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Regeneration van Paul Hawken

“Our planet is telling us a story. Vital connections have been severed between human beings and nature, within nature itself, and between people, religions, governments, and commerce. This disconnection is the origin of the climate crisis; it is the very root—and it is where we discover solutions and actions that can engage all people, regardless of income, race, gender, or belief. We live on a dying planet—a phrase that may have sounded inflated or over the top not long ago. The earth’s biological decline is how it adapts to what we are doing. Nature never makes a mistake. We do. The earth will come back to life no matter what. Nations, peoples, and cultures may not. If putting the future of life at the heart of everything we do is not central to our purpose and destiny, why are we here? Regeneration means putting life at the center of every action and decision. It applies to all of creation—grasslands, farms, people, forests, fish, wetlands, coastlands, and oceans—and it applies equally to family, communities, cities, schools, religion, cultures, commerce, and governments. Nature and humanity are composed of exquisitely complex networks of relationships, without which forests, lands, oceans, peoples, countries, and cultures perish.”

November 3
Selected by:
Wouter van Noort
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“Our planet is telling us a story. Vital connections have been severed between human beings and nature, within nature itself, and between people, religions, governments, and commerce.

This disconnection is the origin of the climate crisis; it is the very root—and it is where we discover solutions and actions that can engage all people, regardless of income, race, gender, or belief.

We live on a dying planet—a phrase that may have sounded inflated or over the top not long ago. The earth’s biological decline is how it adapts to what we are doing. Nature never makes a mistake. We do.

The earth will come back to life no matter what. Nations, peoples, and cultures may not. If putting the future of life at the heart of everything we do is not central to our purpose and destiny, why are we here?

Regeneration means putting life at the center of every action and decision. It applies to all of creation—grasslands, farms, people, forests, fish, wetlands, coastlands, and oceans—and it applies equally to family, communities, cities, schools, religion, cultures, commerce, and governments.

Nature and humanity are composed of exquisitely complex networks of relationships, without which forests, lands, oceans, peoples, countries, and cultures perish.”

Nature's Solution to climate change

Één van de effectiefste manieren om CO2 uit de atmosfeer te halen? Walvissen beschermen. ‘When it comes to saving the planet, one whale is worth thousands of trees,’ volgens het IMF.

November 7
Selected by:
Wouter van Noort
  + 12 saves

Franse klimaatactivisten verslaan sneeuwkanonnen

Interessante beweging: een Franse rechter vindt dat natuurbescherming zwaarder weegt dan skiplezier met sneeuwkanonnen. ‘Het Franse ski-oord La Clusaz mag voorlopig geen waterreservoir aanleggen om sneeuwkanonnen van water te voorzien. De vergunning wordt opgeschort. Omdat, volgens de uitspraak, “het publieke belang van een reservoir dat voornamelijk is bedoeld voor de productie van kunstmatige sneeuw, niet opweegt tegen de noodzaak om een natuurgebied en de hier voorkomende flora en fauna te beschermen”.

November 13
Selected by:
Wouter van Noort
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Brazil, Indonesia and DRC in talks to form ‘Opec of rainforests’

Brazilië, Indonesië en Congo willen een alliantie sluiten om hun regenwouden (de helft van al het tropische regenbos van de wereld) te redden. ‘Een OPEC van de regenwouden’, om ontbossing te stoppen en ecosystemen te herstellen. “This deal could be a promising step forward, as long as Indigenous peoples and local communities are fully consulted in the process and their rights and leadership respected. These three ecosystems are critical for the ecological stability of the world, and the answer for these forests to thrive lies with the people that live in them.”

November 12
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Wouter van Noort
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Scotland could become first ‘rewilded’ nation—what does that mean?

In Schotland groeit een beweging om de eerste ‘rewilded nation’ van de wereld worden. Bedrijven, natuurorganisaties en overheden komen samen om op grote schaal ecosystemen te herstellen, wilde dieren te herintroduceren en natuurgebieden te beschermen. ‘The country is experiencing a zeitgeist moment for rewilding—in essence, the rebuilding of ecosystems to their natural uncultivated states—with new efforts and a matrix of wild lands and natural corridors spreading across the country. The actions of those responsible are aligning and, if successful, would make Scotland the first rewilded nation in the world.’ […] ‘At the end of the last ice age, Scotland was a truly wild place, where the Highland tiger, a distinctly banded wildcat, and the wolf, lynx, and bear roamed among Caledonian pine forests. The Romans called the country’s north “The Great Wood of Caledon.” But over time, humans purged the land for timber, charcoal, and agriculture. Native species such as wild boar, polecat, and elk vanished. By the turn of the 20th century, only 5 percent of Scotland’s land area was covered by forest.’

November 21
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Wouter van Noort
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The world’s healthiest forests are on Indigenous land. Here’s why.

Zo interessant dit: de gezondste en meest biodiverse bossen zijn die bossen die door inheemse bevolkingsgroepen worden bewoond. Er hóéft geen tegenstelling te zijn tussen de belangen van mensen en de overige natuur.

November 27
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Wouter van Noort
  + 22 saves

Die systeemtransitie voor het klimaat, is dat niet gewoon een heuse revolutie?

Waarom laten we ons toch zo makkelijk afleiden door kleine crisisjes, relletjes en bullshit terwijl er toch echt een existentiëler probleem is? Mooie column van Beatrice de Graaf: “Omdat bij [de klimaatcrisis] bijna iedereen schuldig is, en wat te verliezen heeft. Iedereen is bang voor de revolutie. En daarom leiden we liever de aandacht af van het echte drama door elders kleine crisisstofwolkjes op te blijven schoppen.”

December 11
Selected by:
Wouter van Noort
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The systems view of life: A unifying vision

Ontgroeien, degrowth, antigroei? Of is dat eigenlijk precies de verkeerde benadering? Alle levende systemen groeien, maar die groei gaat na een kwantitatieve fase in de vaak over in een kwalitatieve ontwikkeling. Zou dat een oplossingsrichting kunnen zijn? Niet groei an sich is slecht, de gekozen richting van de groei wel. Systeemonderzoeker Fritjof Capra verwoordt het mooi: “Our key challenge is to shift from an economic system based on the notion of unlimited growth to one that is both ecologically sustainable and socially just. From the perspective of the systems view of life, "no growth" cannot be the answer. Growth is a central characteristic of all life. A society, or economy, that does not grow will die sooner or later. Growth in nature, however, is not linear and unlimited. While certain parts of organisms, or ecosystems, grow, others decline, releasing and recycling their components, which become resources for new growth. This kind of balanced, multifaceted growth is well known to biologists and ecologists. The recognition of the fallacy of the conventional concept of growth, the two authors suggest, is the first essential step to overcoming our economic crisis. In the words of social-change activist Frances Moore Lappé (2009): Since what we call "growth" is largely waste, let's call it that! Let's call it an economics of waste and destruction. Let's define growth as that which enhances life — as generation and regeneration — and declare that what our planet needs is more of it. The notion of "growth which enhances life" is what is meant by qualitative growth — growth that enhances the quality of life. In living organisms, ecosystems, and societies, qualitative growth includes an increase in complexity, sophistication, and maturity. Unlimited quantitative growth on a finite planet is clearly unsustainable, but qualitative economic growth can be sustained if it involves a dynamic balance between growth, decline, and recycling, and if it also includes the inner growth of learning and maturing.” Ik kwam deze passage tegen in de boeiende dissertatie van Anneloes Smitsman, Doctor of Philosophy en Into the heart of systems change

December 15
Selected by:
Wouter van Noort
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New York City’s Popular Online Tree Map Gets a Big Update

Wat is dit gaaf. New York heeft een populaire online kaart van de bomen in de stad, waar op te zien is waar bijzondere exemplaren staan, wat hun verhaal is, en een inschatting van de economische en maatschappelijke waarde per boom. Zijn dit soort databases er ook in NL? ‘Near the Tennis House in Brooklyn’s Prospect Park grows a magnificent white oak that stands out for its impressive stature, with a trunk that’s nearly four feet wide. But the massive tree does more than leave visitors in awe. It also provides a slew of ecological benefits, absorbing some 25,000 tons of carbon dioxide and intercepting nearly 9,000 gallons of stormwater each year, according to city data. It also removes pollutants from the air and help the the city conserve enough energy to power a one- or two-bedroom apartment for roughly two months. In economic terms, just that one tree contributes more than $550 each year.’ Via Nature Desks

December 21
Selected by:
Wouter van Noort
  + 8 saves

Broeikasgas methaan piekte in warm en nat 2020 – met een verrassende extra oorzaak

We moeten veel meer in relaties en interacties denken en veel minder in hokjes. De plotse afname van wegverkeer tijdens COVID leidde verrassend genoeg tot… méér methaan in de atmosfeer, een zeer krachtig broeikasgas. ‘Er was minder verkeer op de weg en in de lucht als gevolg van lockdownmaatregelen tijdens de coronapandemie. Dat laatste zorgde voor minder uitlaatgassen, zoals stikstofoxiden en koolmonoxide. En dat had, via een keten van reacties, weer tot gevolg dat er in de atmosfeer minder methaan werd afgebroken – waardoor de concentratie hoog uitkwam.’ Goed stuk van Marcel aan de Brugh, en weer een mooi voorbeeld van hoe belangrijk (en moeilijk) systeemdenken is. Hard ingrijpen in complexe dynamische systemen leidt altijd tot onverwachte gevolgen.

December 15
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Wouter van Noort
  + 4 saves