
Emma Schul

9 posts / 26 following / 17 followers

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The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent

Humor, unlikely friendship, great story telling, great actors. Those are the ingredients of this film. The story telling is intelligent and is across multiple levels. The themes are relevant, relatable and funny at the same time. It's an interesting approach to breaking the 4th wall. Would thoroughly recommend 8/10

November 14
Selected by:
Emma Schul
  + 5 saves

Humor, unlikely friendship, great story telling, great actors. Those are the ingredients of this film. The story telling is intelligent and is across multiple levels. The themes are relevant, relatable and funny at the same time. It's an interesting approach to breaking the 4th wall. Would thoroughly recommend 8/10

Everything Everywhere All at Once

A superhero accountant. Time traveling. High pace. This film will be beyond anything you ever imagined. Such a great watch ☺️

February 2
Selected by:
Emma Schul
  + 0 saves