
Emma Schul

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I'm Glad My Mom Died, Jennette McCurdy

Funny, raw, sad, real. These are just a few adjectives that belong to this book. I inhaled this book, it was beautiful. I will absolutely re-read this.

January 1
Selected by:
Emma Schul
  + 3 saves

Funny, raw, sad, real. These are just a few adjectives that belong to this book. I inhaled this book, it was beautiful. I will absolutely re-read this.

The Happiness Project Tenth Anniversary Edition Or, Why I Spent a Year Trying to Sing...

I was thinking about this book this morning and how much fun it was to read. In this book, Gretchen is setting up her self up for a huge experiment. Her goal is to be happier over the course of a year? Who doesn't want to do that? Every month she explores something else and tells you about the changes it made in her life. As I said, it's an experiment but along the way she may or may not convince you to do something similar. Really great book!

September 4
Selected by:
Emma Schul
  + 2 saves