
Lena Atamanchuk

17 posts / 6 following / 22 followers

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Ooops, Lena didn't post any recommendations about Science & Technology 😳

But we found some other posts from Lena!

Ten Steps to Nanette: A memoir situation

In this book Hannah Gadsby takes us through the defining moments in her life and her powerful decision to tell the truth - no matter the cost. It's so worth reading!!!

March 23
Selected by:
Lena Atamanchuk
  + 9 saves

In this book Hannah Gadsby takes us through the defining moments in her life and her powerful decision to tell the truth - no matter the cost.

It's so worth reading!!!

Tijd en plaats, een gesprek

Een enorm ontroerende docu. Heel erg intiem overgebracht een familie verhaal gekoppeld aan een pand in Amsterdam.

March 9
Selected by:
Lena Atamanchuk
  + 9 saves