
Flora Nacer

Theater regisseur en schrijver. Gefascineerd door belichaamde biografieën. Leest alles door elkaar heen, schrijft en filosofeert. Woont in Amsterdam.

2 posts / 10 following / 14 followers

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But we found some other posts from Flora!

Stutz, therapie via Netflix. Dank Jonah Hill!

A very vurnerable approach to therapy, got me through some difficult days and gives practical tools to work through challenging times. Thank you for making and sharing this :)

January 7
Selected by:
Flora Nacer
  + 5 saves

A very vurnerable approach to therapy, got me through some difficult days and gives practical tools to work through challenging times. Thank you for making and sharing this :)

De heks van Portobello - Paulo Coelho, Paulo Coelho

Deeply touched by this book of Coelho. He captures a phenomenon that is so hard to put into words but he did it. I took the time to read it and really digest the words and chapters like it was a life that was passing through me. I have learnt a lot and feel like I have aged while reading this book. If your path is shaky but you feel like something in you knows why you are doing what you are doing this is a good reminder of your choices. It got me through Christmas time on my own.

January 3
Selected by:
Flora Nacer
  + 4 saves