
Arnout Hellemans

Keynote speaker, and freelance SEO and Analytics consultant living in Amsterdam. Sharing thousands on #ai #seo #analytics

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The Purge: Why Generative A.I. is Coming for SEO Content Traffic, Jobs & Dependent Websites - Jon R. Cooper

A well written post on the possible impact of #generativeAI on copyright, conten producers, #SEO. Love the different views. But fully agree these are challenging times. Highly recommended if you are a publishers, SEO or a content producer in any form.

June 2
Selected by:
Arnout Hellemans
  + 9 saves

A well written post on the possible impact of #generativeAI on copyright, conten producers, #SEO. Love the different views. But fully agree these are challenging times. Highly recommended if you are a publishers, SEO or a content producer in any form.

The Waluigi Effect (mega-post) - LessWrong (post on the workings and bias in chatgpt)

This is one of the most interesting things things I've read on lange language models like ChatGPT. And also explains the need for human oversight and that it might look intelligent but actually sometimes is very far from that. It's an exploration into how large language models (e.g., ChatGPT) create emergent 'personas', and how+why they often collapse into 'evil' versions of those personas (e.g., Microsoft Sydney going weird and creepy). The premise is that all training content is a form of storytelling, and all stories inherently imply the 'evil version' ("if you discover that a country has legislation against motorbike gangs, that will increase your expectation that the town has motorbike gangs. GPT-4 will make the same inference").

March 8
Selected by:
Arnout Hellemans
  + 13 saves

How to Add a Mastodon Share Button to Your Website

Mastodon has been gaining quite a bit of traction in the #seo and #tech world so if you publish in these areas, this is a good article for you.

February 22
Selected by:
Arnout Hellemans
  + 2 saves

How to navigate SEO keyword research in the era of ChatGPT

I tend to agree with most points on how the likes of chatgtp will influence the life and ways of working as marketers.

February 21
Selected by:
Arnout Hellemans
  + 6 saves