
Sander Hofman

🚨Nerd alert! Communications at ASML. Fascinated by the now, how and wow of science + tech + chips. Curious and creative since 1982. 🇳🇱🇪🇺🇺🇸

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Remembering Dr. Gordon Moore

Dr. Gordon Moore (94) died last week. He was a computing visionary, co-founder of chipmaker Intel and namesake of the famous “Moore’s Law”. I got to interview him in 2014. A memorable moment in multiple ways! 🙏

March 27
Selected by:
Sander Hofman
  + 7 saves

Dr. Gordon Moore (94) died last week. He was a computing visionary, co-founder of chipmaker Intel and namesake of the famous “Moore’s Law”. I got to interview him in 2014. A memorable moment in multiple ways! 🙏

⚡️ Fusion ignition 💥

Fusiereactie met een surplus aan energie! 🙌

December 13
Selected by:
Sander Hofman
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JWST’s best images: spectacular stars and spiralling galaxies

🛰️ Humanity’s greatest camera is snapping some real beauties! 📸

December 7
Selected by:
Sander Hofman
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Solar car “Lightyear 0” has gone into production

Dutch start-up Lightyear is revolutionizing electric driving by building a car that drives on clean, solar energy. After six years of hurdles and triumphs, the sun now rises on their most important milestone yet: the production of Lightyear 0!

December 5
Selected by:
Sander Hofman
  + 2 saves

Deze AR-bril voor doven en slechthorenden ondertitelt in real-time 😎

Wauw, wat een mooie en betekenisvolle mengelmoes van verschillende technologieën: wearable, spraakherkenning, display en audio tech komen hier samen. Dit soort synergie zal de komende 10 jaar steeds mooiere applicaties opleveren.

November 30
Selected by:
Sander Hofman
  + 4 saves