
Sander Hofman

🚨Nerd alert! Communications at ASML. Fascinated by the now, how and wow of science + tech + chips. Curious and creative since 1982. 🇳🇱🇪🇺🇺🇸

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🏢🏭 ASML’s Campus in Veldhoven…in LEGO 🤓

Say wut?! One of my colleagues made a 25,000-brick LEGO model of the entire ASML Campus in Veldhoven. Wow. It took him years to complete it.

January 12
Selected by:
Sander Hofman
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Say wut?! One of my colleagues made a 25,000-brick LEGO model of the entire ASML Campus in Veldhoven. Wow. It took him years to complete it.

Geen export naar China voor ASML (De Avondshow met Arjen Lubach)

🔎 In de spotlight bij Lubach! Eervol, bijzonder en redelijk hilarisch. 😅 De belangrijkste plek in de wereld? Veldhoven natuurlijk! 📍

February 7
Selected by:
Sander Hofman
  + 8 saves