
Yordi Yamali

Owner @TheFev. When the seagulls follow the trawler, it's because they think sardines will be thrown into the sea.

9 posts / 4 following / 71 followers

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But we found some other posts from Yordi!

Pamela Anderson on being chewed up and spat out by fame

‘If I’d had a therapist, do you think any of this would have happened?’: Pamela Anderson on being chewed up and spat out by fame

January 29
Selected by:
Yordi Yamali
  + 5 saves

‘If I’d had a therapist, do you think any of this would have happened?’: Pamela Anderson on being chewed up and spat out by fame

Wie is Emmy?

Heerlijke ellenlange zoektocht, waar podcast perfect voor geschikt is. Extra bonuspunt voor de onafhankelijke productie.

January 18
Selected by:
Yordi Yamali
  + 3 saves

‎Can I tell you a secret? op Apple Podcasts

Omdat The Guardian Daily even kerstvakantie heeft posten ze dagelijks een aflevering van deze podcast reeks. Intens en problematisch verhaal steengoed verteld. It starts the same way... A seemingly innocent message from someone who appears to be a young woman: ‘Can I tell you a secret?’ But as this six-part podcast explores, people are rarely their true selves online – and one man took it much further. What happened when this cyberstalker wreaked havoc across the internet and ruined people’s lives. And why did he do it?Can I Tell You A Secret - a Guardian podcast series about obsession, fear, and the lives we lead online

December 30
Selected by:
Yordi Yamali
  + 20 saves