
Boris Veldhuijzen van Zanten

Founder & CEO at TNW (The Next Web)

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Gratis de beste therapie? Gewoon thuis? Met praktische tips die je direct kunt uitvoeren? En dan ook nog een grappig, en soms emotioneel aangrijpend? Pauzeer je social media en bekijk deze film vanavond. Met een kruik en een kopje thee en een dekentje. Je voelt je 100% beter daarna.

December 15
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Gratis de beste therapie? Gewoon thuis? Met praktische tips die je direct kunt uitvoeren? En dan ook nog een grappig, en soms emotioneel aangrijpend? Pauzeer je social media en bekijk deze film vanavond. Met een kruik en een kopje thee en een dekentje. Je voelt je 100% beter daarna.


A female crew of 7 astronauts steals a spaceship and sets out on a mission to save earth, in a future world that’s increasingly anti-feminist. Sounds like science fiction? Unfortunately too many topics in this book are uncomfortably close to reality. After reading this book you’ll start recognizing parts of the book in life around you. Apart from all that, it’s a page turner and thrilling right until the end.

September 20
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The antisocial network

Another author who’se books I pre-order as soon as they’re announced, and then usually read and finish within 24 hours. This one, about the GameStop short squeeze (if you don’t know what that means don’t worry, it’s all explained in the book) and the following (almost) banking crisis. Reads like a thriller, but it happened, and you’ve probably witnessed some of it.

September 16
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A playlist to keep you warm all through spring. A few classics, a lot of international influences, one or two song you might recognize as the inspiration for more current songs, and an overall beach-vibe that will relax and energize you.

September 20
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Losing The Signal by Jacquie Mcnish

Losing the signal takes you on an emotional rollercoaster through an amazing story of luck, greed and incompetence. It’s the story of how Blackberry became the dominant smart phone platform, and then lost it all. The interesting thing is that every decision they make, which seems logical and smart on itself, turns out to lead to a chain of events that triggers their downfall. An incredibly interesting and exciting journey of a book.

October 15
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Almost three hours of songs (ideal length for cooking and dinner) that will surprise you, delight you and put some swing in your hips…. 🎶

January 24
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It’s funny, dramatic, painful and beautiful… and it will make you think about your own legacy and what you want to make of it.

January 31
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After Steve: How Apple became a Trillion-Dollar Company and Lost Its Soul

Tripp Mickle gained access to an unprecedented amount of Apple executives to write a behind-the-scenes book of a company that known for keeping the behind-the-scenes firmly locked down. Juicy, insightful, personal.

May 8
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Shawn Lee's Ping Pong Orchestra

Thanks Shawn Lee's Ping Pong Orchestra for spending 460 minutes with me in 2022. I couldn’t stop listening to Kiss the Sky. #SpotifyWrapped

December 15
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4000 weeks, Oliver Burkeman

I’ve bought this book for friends and keep recommending it to people. It’s the last efficiency/lifehack book you’ll ever need to read. Every page is a joy, every insight one you’ll want to share, but then you can also just lean back, enjoy life and relax.

May 30
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