
Ben Metcalfe

3 posts / 1 following / 18 followers

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Uno - Digital Security for Everyone.

Uno is a new, beautifully designed Password Management app for iOS and MacOS. The internet can be hard to use. Uno is making it easier, starting with identity.

March 21
Selected by:
Ben Metcalfe
  + 10 saves

Uno is a new, beautifully designed Password Management app for iOS and MacOS. The internet can be hard to use. Uno is making it easier, starting with identity.

Best of the Best iOS Apps — Including Hidden Gems

I hand curated these apps out of probably close to 700 different apps I’ve tried or researched. These apps stand a cut above the rest in either customer dedication / satisfaction, killer UX and UI, Feature sets that work — and work well, feature outstanding polish or unbeatable value.

March 27
Selected by:
Ben Metcalfe
  + 8 saves

The End of Organizing

A fantastic piece by Dan Shipper that talks about the struggles involved with organizing your notes using current organizational systems and software, and how he believes that by using AI, we can change all of that.

February 27
Selected by:
Ben Metcalfe
  + 7 saves