
Roeland Reinders

149 posts / 15k following / 503 followers

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Red Roulette

Fascinerend wat er in China momenteel gaande is

January 25
Selected by:
Roeland Reinders
  + 7 saves

Fascinerend wat er in China momenteel gaande is

Ren je zen

Vanessa schreef een boek, dat wat verder gaat dan die van Erik Scherder, voor wie al voldoende beweegt en die activiteit in wil zetten om te ontstressen.

August 7
Selected by:
Roeland Reinders
  + 3 saves

Hart voor je brein

August 7
Selected by:
Roeland Reinders
  + 1 save

Rock ‘n’ Roll Interiors - MENDO

Rock ‘n’ Roll Interiors, a book that tells the compelling stories of Casper Reinders: one of the most well-known Dutch entrepreneurs, collectionneurs, and interior designers. Distinctively different from other clubs, bars and restaurants Casper’s interiors are always exotic, Rock ‘n’ Roll, classic, bohemian, unique, rugged, and hedonistic.

August 2
Selected by:
Roeland Reinders
  + 0 saves