
Yung Kage

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El silencio de la ciudad blanca (ebook), Eva García Sáenz de Urturi

First off I wanna start with the fact that the book really surprised me with the fact that it starts with a spoiler. I was kind of thrown off by it but the more I read the more I stuck to it's plot and characters so I actually even started to forget what I read in the prologue. It's an easy read really, the thriller,crime and suspense genre makes it easy to get glued to the book and to follow the story with a great span of attention. 488 pages felt like 188 sometimes due to how fast I was "eating" the book up, the story is well structured as the ending didn't disappoint aswell. 7.5/10

January 2
Selected by:
Yung Kage
  + 8 saves

First off I wanna start with the fact that the book really surprised me with the fact that it starts with a spoiler. I was kind of thrown off by it but the more I read the more I stuck to it's plot and characters so I actually even started to forget what I read in the prologue. It's an easy read really, the thriller,crime and suspense genre makes it easy to get glued to the book and to follow the story with a great span of attention. 488 pages felt like 188 sometimes due to how fast I was "eating" the book up, the story is well structured as the ending didn't disappoint aswell.
