
Sander Hofman

🚨Nerd alert! Communications at ASML. Fascinated by the now, how and wow of science + tech + chips. Curious and creative since 1982. 🇳🇱🇪🇺🇺🇸

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Donald Trump’s final campaign (New York Magazine)

Wat een HEERLIJKE longread over de kleine wereld van Donald Trump. Verbazing-, ijzing- en meelijwekkend! “It was in that optimistic spirit, 28 days ago, that the former president, impeached and voted out of office and impeached again, amid multiple state and federal investigations, under threat of indictment and arrest, on the verge of a congressional-committee verdict that would recommend four criminal charges to the Feds over his incitement of a mob that attacked the U.S. Capitol and threatened to hang his vice-president in a failed attempt to stop the certification of the 2020 election results, announced his third presidential campaign.”

January 4
Selected by:
Sander Hofman
  + 20 saves

Wat een HEERLIJKE longread over de kleine wereld van Donald Trump. Verbazing-, ijzing- en meelijwekkend! “It was in that optimistic spirit, 28 days ago, that the former president, impeached and voted out of office and impeached again, amid multiple state and federal investigations, under threat of indictment and arrest, on the verge of a congressional-committee verdict that would recommend four criminal charges to the Feds over his incitement of a mob that attacked the U.S. Capitol and threatened to hang his vice-president in a failed attempt to stop the certification of the 2020 election results, announced his third presidential campaign.”

Hoe de loopgraven doorwerken in J.R.R. Tolkiens ‘Lord of the Rings’

Journalist Peter van der Ploeg (NRC) beschrijft wat de schrijver Tolkien meemaakte aan het front in de Eerste Wereldoorlog en hoe je dat terug kunt lezen in De Hobbit en In De Ban van de Ring. 👌

December 21
Selected by:
Sander Hofman
  + 9 saves

Pause giant AI experiments: an open letter (Future of Life Institute)

Interessant. 🧐 Het Future of Life Instituut pleit om tijdelijk te stoppen met het ontwikkelen/trainen van geavanceerde AI’s zoals GPT-4. Momenteel is er te weinig controle mogelijk om te zorgen dat deze AI’s een positieve bijdrage aan de samenleving gaan leveren, terwijl al duidelijk is dat er een groot maatschappelijk risico schuilt in de content die ze genereren, zoals in het onderwijs en op social media. “Powerful AI systems should be developed only once we are confident that their effects will be positive and their risks will be manageable.”

March 29
Selected by:
Sander Hofman
  + 7 saves