
Philip Huff

Schrijver van o.a. Dagen van gras en Niemand in de stad. Stukken en essays in o.a. The New York Review of Books, NRC, en De Groene Amsterdammer'

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‘Masculinity can be expressed in many ways’: actor Paul Mescal on luck, sex scenes and risk taking

Paul Mescal, Connell uit Normal People, gaf aan The Guardian dit interessante interview: “I remember growing up being incredibly anxious about the financial state of my family because it’s the thing that causes the most stress for young parents. I always used to wonder, ‘Do other families have arguments like this?’”.

December 23
Selected by:
Philip Huff
  + 6 saves

Paul Mescal, Connell uit Normal People, gaf aan The Guardian dit interessante interview: “I remember growing up being incredibly anxious about the financial state of my family because it’s the thing that causes the most stress for young parents. I always used to wonder, ‘Do other families have arguments like this?’”.