
Jessie Kroon

Schrijver Het Zero Waste Project en Doe Het Zero (uitgeverij AW Bruna), ondernemer, sustainable content creator, zero waste expert & consultant.

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Vluchten is geen optie voor trans personen in Oekraïne

Niet kunnen vluchten omdat er nog een M op je paspoort staat. Verschrikkelijk

March 6
Selected by:
Jessie Kroon
  + 4 saves

Niet kunnen vluchten omdat er nog een M op je paspoort staat. Verschrikkelijk

Plastic & Health - Center for International Environmental Law

We need science to convince people. To me, this report is the most convincing piece of research showing the impact of our plastic consumption on our global health. If you have the audacity to still pretend that plastics aren't toxic and aren't influencing our health after reading this report you seriously need to have some nerves (or hard to find alternative data). As a zero waste professional its heartbreaking to read these reports and at the same time know that nothing is done by the industry to kick our plastic addiction. It can be a bit technical/too in depth to just casually read on the train so I would recommend this article for when you have more time.

December 30
Selected by:
Jessie Kroon
  + 1 save