
Boris Veldhuijzen van Zanten

Founder & CEO at TNW (The Next Web)

23 posts / 9 following / 1.4k followers

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Almost three hours of songs (ideal length for cooking and dinner) that will surprise you, delight you and put some swing in your hips…. 🎶

January 24
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Almost three hours of songs (ideal length for cooking and dinner) that will surprise you, delight you and put some swing in your hips…. 🎶


A playlist to keep you warm all through spring. A few classics, a lot of international influences, one or two song you might recognize as the inspiration for more current songs, and an overall beach-vibe that will relax and energize you.

September 20
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Some Girl (feat. Steve Lacy)

My favorite new summer song even though it’s a classic from 2017.

August 4
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