
Nikki Sterkenburg

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OceanGate Was Warned of Potential for ‘Catastrophic’ Problems With Titanic Mission

In the documents, Mr. Lochridge reported learning that the viewport that lets passengers see outside the craft was only certified to work in depths of up to 1,300 meters. That is far less than would be necessary for trips to the Titanic, which is nearly 4,000 meters below the ocean’s surface. “The paying passengers would not be aware, and would not be informed, of this experimental design,” lawyers for Mr. Lochridge wrote in a court filing.

June 21
Selected by:
Nikki Sterkenburg
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In the documents, Mr. Lochridge reported learning that the viewport that lets passengers see outside the craft was only certified to work in depths of up to 1,300 meters.

That is far less than would be necessary for trips to the Titanic, which is nearly 4,000 meters below the ocean’s surface.

“The paying passengers would not be aware, and would not be informed, of this experimental design,” lawyers for Mr. Lochridge wrote in a court filing.

Redactie ontslagen, titels opgeheven – wat is er aan de hand bij Quest?

Jarenlang was Quest een van de meest populaire titels van Nederland. Maar de zaken gingen wat minder goed én kwam er een hoofdredacteur aan het roer die er nogal onwetenschappelijke meningen op nahield. Toch leek de uitgever dit onder het mom van “diversiteit” prima te vinden. Verbijsterend verslag.

January 18
Selected by:
Nikki Sterkenburg
  + 3 saves